México Mágico Cósmico

29/05/2018Luis Pérez Delves Deep Into Mexican Musical Traditions

Fresh off the press at Mr Bongo is this highly recommended reissue of Mexican musical traditions by ways of Luis Pérez. Born in Mexico City in 1951, from 1971 onwards Pérez "dedicated much of his time to the research of the pre-Columbian instrumentation of Mesoamerica. He learned directly from the living sources of the music and collected samples of musical instruments and the songs of different native speakers including Maya, Nahuatl, Mazateco, Yoemem, Comcaac, Raramuri, Wixarika and more"

With a vast personal collection of native Mexican instruments and archaelogical artifacts Pérez keeps the traditions and sounds alive at regular performances, concerts, lectures, etc. 

This specific recording entitled "El Ombligo de la Luna" (The Moon's Navel) delves deep into the magical Mexican cosmos and is quite a other-worldly trip. Buy/stream the release on Bandcamp or hit play in the SoundCloud player above.

AUTHOR: Lev Nordstrom